Amalia Nursyahfitri - 10211647
Selasa, 09 Juni 2015
Senin, 08 Juni 2015
Global warming means that the
average temperature rising process - the atmosphere, oceans, and land earth.
Increasing the temperature causes the earth was hotter and during the day we
feel so excessive heat. With the global warming, a lot of damage to be caused,
not only one but can reach the entire structure is in the earth itself. The
increase in temperature of the earth is probably caused by increasing
concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from the actions and activities of
the man himself, global warming is not an issue, but an issue of government for
all citizens of the earth's surface.
Warning of rising global temperatures
will lead to changes - such as changes in the weather cause extreme and raise
sea levels are high. It also can lead to many endangered animals and affect the
agricultural products that exist on earth. There are a lot of actions
undertaken by humans without them knowing that they are doing may harm the
earth. And most of them only think about profit and not think about the costs
that can be generated role in the long term
According (2011; 09) "global
average temperature at Earth's surface has increased by 0.74 ° C ± 0:18 (1:33 ±
0:32 ° F) over the last hundred years. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) concluded that, "the majority of the increase in global
average temperatures since the mid-20th century, most likely caused by
increased concentrations of greenhouse gases due to human activities"
through the greenhouse effect. These basic conclusions have been put forward by
at least 30 scientific and academic bodies, including all national science
academies of the G8 countries. However, there are still some scientists who do
not agree with some of the conclusions of the IPCC stated "
Climate models referenced by the
IPCC project shows global surface temperature will increase by 1.1 to 6.4 ° C
(2.0 to 11.5 ° F) between 1990 and 2100. The difference in estimates was caused
by the use of different scenarios on the emissions of greenhouse gases in the
future, as well as models with differing climate sensitivity. Although most
research has focused on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise is
expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if greenhouse gas
emission levels have stabilized. This reflects the large heat capacity of the
According to Compass (2015; 21)
"New Mexico Solar Energy Association, the United States Global warming is
the increase in temperature / average temperature of the earth's surface as a
result of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect itself is an event where
trapping heat in the earth because of blocked gas emissions such as carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere due to emissions of motor vehicles, factory pollution
and forest fires "
According to Compass (2015: 21)
"The National Wildlife Federation global mean warming in its official
website as the event that is increasingly hot, increasingly heavy rains and
floods, more intense storms and droughts are increasingly becoming. Such events
are a real impact caused by global warming. Global warming also changed the
landscape of life on and off many species "
Are often asked by most people,
whether it is a dangerous global warning? My answer: Of course, global warming
is very dangerous, because with the increasing average temperature of our
planet will cause a change of temperature very extreme, and are compounded by
the possibility of ice at the north and south poles will melt. If if the north
and south polar ice melts, can be guessed which country will be the first time
sink. Archipelagic country like Indonesia is very vulnerable to easily sink up
to Indonesia has many small islands that are likely to sink. Not only was the
weather changes extreme sometimes also cause a variety of new diseases not
previously exist on earth.
The global warming process, the
process starts from sunlight shining on the earth, some of the heat is absorbed
by the earth and partly returned to the air (atmosphere). Sunlight that is
returned to the air trapped by the gases that exist in atmosphere like carbon
dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, water vapor and so forth which these events greenhouse
Solar radiation in the Earth's atmosphere
causes ozone layer depleting and this makes the sun is shining on the Earth is
getting hotter. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight reflected back
into space to earth. This is causing the earth's increasingly hot. And that is
the process of global warming.
Negative impact of recent global
warming for human health: infectious diseases,
diseases are dangerous for Indonesia is anthrax, dengue fever, chikungunya
fever, diarrhea, filiariasis, bird flu, flu Singapore, hepatitis, leptospirosis,
malaria and many more. Respiratory failure in humans, Since the temperature
extreme heat, it could disrupt the respiratory tract. This can be caused from
dust that volume will be much if summer arrives. And it can make asthma or
shortness of breath for humans.
The number of skin diseases emerge,
dry skin due to dehydration of the body can also occur as a result of global
warming. Sweat is kept out, because the work activity if not replaced will
cause skin disease, so at least skin dry, itchy and many skin diseases that
could arise. Headaches that led Stroke disease, there are some people who can
not get hot, let alone hot with high temperatures, at normal temperature can be
recurrent headaches. And usually when it's a headache, the next effect is stress,
as stress will come again next disease that is more severe, such as stroke.
Eye diseases such as cataracts,
thinning of the ozone layer as a result of the impact of global warming or
global warming, diseases that can happen to humans is cataract and turbulence
on the eye. So it was not just cigarette smoke that could lead to cataracts,
high solar heat also has power. Heart Disease Due to Air Pollution, Air
pollution is already inevitable due to global warming, the heart can be a
target because the air is unhealthy to breathe. Maybe it stems from respiratory
and fled to the heart.
The Impact of Global Warming many
very adverse impact generated and perceived by all living creatures on earth
because of global warming or global warming are increasingly rising. There are
impacts for life is: the longer the earth's surface temperature will be more
extreme, sea levels worldwide would rise, many droughts and crop failures
How to cope with global warming
(global warming) is not to cut down trees carelessly, reducing the use of
private vehicles, switching from oil-fueled vehicles with fuel vehicles natural
and environmentally friendly, turn off the lights during the day, using
energy-saving lamps, replant forests that have been bald, and build a house
with enough fentilasi.
Global warning that is currently
happening not just happen. All of this has a reason and that we should look for
what is the reason of global warming, how to stop and how to prevent it happen
again in the future. Humans have caused increased amount of carbon dioxide, but
from the day-to day the number of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide
decreases. Supposing we increase the amount of carbon dioxide, but we reduce
materials that can remove carbon dioxide. Start now or never at all, planting
trees around your home and conserve energy while you can save money because it
came times when energy is expensive and can not be frugal.
Rabu, 27 Mei 2015
Learning English
English courses in LPIA
In September 2014, I was looking for
- looking for a English language courses to smooth my way of speaking English
now many English language course as LPIA, PRIMAGAMA, CAMBRIDGE, LIA etc. I see
and seek to know the advantages and disadvantages of each - each institution
and I am more interested in the LPIA because LPIA I think is very qualified,
established since 1990 and already has a lot of experience in the field of
English language courses, was very strategic location not far from home.
Mid-September I went to LPIA to fill out forms and enroll as a new student at
the course. Having been followed and completed the administrative requirements at
that time I enrolled as a freshman at LPIA.
End of September I started attending
classes at LPIA conversation 1, one class contains only 8 people.
Self-introduction at the beginning of the meeting only from teachers and
students or pupils to pupils to be more familiar and getting to know one
another in addition to introducing ourselves, we also discussed about the day
and time les finally set in only 2 times a week ie Monday and Thursday,
starting time 7pm finished around 9pm. Like most institutions of other courses
of study time is only 2 hours and the time before class rise only 3 months each
successive grade dapet certificate of LPIA. Employees at LPIA is also very
good, smiling, familiarizing themselves to their students. And at the end of
the meeting the students get the book "English Conversation 1".
The next meeting I started familiar
themselves to other friends, they are very friendly and humorous. Early
learning we start with very basic stuff about the English language, our
teachers always with always patiently taught his students that the children do
not understand. He always made the grade to be crowded, there is always a cool
and games on each end of the meeting with the students of the premises so
others do not feel awkward and classroom atmosphere to be happy. Before getting
out of the classro=[om and go home we all exchanged telephone numbers and pin
BB as well as our teachers to maintain mutual familiarity.
A month has passed to study a course
at LPIA, the knowledge I can here very much even though it is so short learning
time. I was also learning how to speak English well although I have not fluent
in English but a friend and my teacher was very patient with me. If there is a
task of the English language that I do not understand the father conjunction
with pleasure, she helps me to accomplish a given task.
And do not feel already 3 months my
friend and a friend attend classes one at LPIA this conversation, in the last
week before the exam grade increment father jo give grating for the exam. We
all listened carefully to what are the requirements for the exam tomorrow, and
then the father jo give us all the exercises. With the given short time, we all
work in accordance with our respective capabilities. Before the test class
rise, the LPIA provide quiet holiday to give the best result for the exam
grade. Test day arrived we all got in classes that have been determined by the
team committee LPIA and were given just 90 minutes of classroom atmosphere
silence, friends and work in peace time runs out and the bell was sounded, and
tomorrow it in show values and obtain a certificate of LPIA , A few of my
stories about the experience of learning English in LPIA
Rabu, 15 April 2015
Passive Voice
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama : Amalia Nursyahfitri
Npm :
Kelas : 4EA18
Passive voice is the subject of
passive sentences are subject to employment or the verb beginning with "in
/ ter". In Indonesian, no change in changing the active sentence (active)
into the passive voice (passive voice).
is how to create passive voice sentences :
1. The
verb in the sentence should be a transitive verb active (requiring object).
2. Object
active sentence becomes the subject of passive sentences (reversed).
3. Subject
active sentences into the passive voice by the object.
4. Using
the basic pattern Auxiliary / tobe + Verb 3
The passive voice always use the V-3
Before the V-3 must be given to be
If the subject in the form of questions
to be placed after the first one.
Example : He cries everyday
the following possible word orders for passive voice.
Present Tense
Present tense
+ tobe (is, am, are) + V-3
: My mother always
cleans the floor every morning.
Passive : The floor is always cleaned by my
mother every morning.
It should be noted for the auxiliary
/ to be her adjust to the subject of the passive sentence, not the subject of
active sentence
Past Tense
Past tense
+ tobe (was, were) + V-3
Active : Fadhila watched the movie in the theatre last night.
Active : Fadhila watched the movie in the theatre last night.
Passive : The movie was watched by Fadhila
in the theatre last night.
Continuous Tense
+ (is, am, are) + being + V-3
(was, were)
Present continuous tense
Active : They are making a rainbow cake
Passive : A rainbow cake is being made by
them now
: Note the change tobe of acres (active
voice) into iso (passive voice). Because, auxiliary / tobenya adjust to the
subject of the passive sentence, not the subject of an active sentence.
- Past
continuous tense
Active : She was buying some
books last night.
Passive : Some books were being bought by
her last night.
4. Present/Past
Perfect Tense
perfect tense
+ (have, has) + been + V-3
Present perfect tense
Active : The manager has interviewed some
Passive : Some candidates have been
interviewed by the manager.
Past perfect tense
Active : Carroll had made a good decision
to leave Liverpool.
Passive : A good decision had been made by
Carroll to leave Liverpool.
+ be + V-3
auxiliary – will, shall, must, can, may (Present modal) would, should, could,
might (Past modal)
Active : Before I got an injury, I could
climb Mount Rinjani.
Passive : Before I got an injury, Mount
Rinjani could be climbed by me.
Active : She should bring her phone to
call her mom.
Passive : Her phone should be brought by her
to call her mom.
Active : They must obey the rules in this
Passive : The rules must be obeyed by them
in this camp.
BE + V-3
causative verb:
Require, Allow, Want / wait, Ask, Need, Like).
the following accusative sentence pattern:
S + accusative verb + (object) + to
S + accusative verb + (object) + tobe
Active : I asked my secretary to answer the call
Active : I asked my secretary to answer the call
Passive : I asked the call to be answered
by my secretary
Active : The headmaster requires the
students to use the weekly uniform
Pasisive : The headmaster requires the
weekly uniform to be used by the students
: Basically, the same pattern of changes
to the passive voice in general. Only, which pacified is a verb after the
accusative verb (see examples in bold) there is no change in the subject and
the object (reversed), the rest only change from "to answer" and
"to use" (active) becomes "to be Answered" and "to be
used" (passive).
Active Sentences
a. Dudi
washes the car everyday
b. They
are lifting the stones
c. I
will buy a bag
d. We
sold the car last month
e. They
have painted their house blue
f. She
had posted the letter before she came here
g. She
has been reading a book for 5 house\
h. Mirna
writes a letter for her brother every month
The doctor is examining the patient at
the moment
The rich man will sell his luxurious
house to pay for his debt
Passive Sentences
a. The
car is washed by dudi everyday
b. The
stones are being lifted by them
c. a
bag will be bought by me
d. The
car was sold last month
e. The
house has been painted blue by them
f. The
letter had been posted before she came here
g. The
book has been being read for 5 house
h. a
letter for mirna’s brother is written by her every month
The patient is being examined by the
doctor at the moment
His luxurious house will be sold by the
rich man to pay for his debt
Kamis, 26 Maret 2015
My Hobby
hobby ..
will introduce myself, my name is Amalia Nursyahfitri. someone call me with
Amalia now, I am 21 years old and I live in jakarta with her parents and
brother man. I studied at university Gunadarma, the final level and I have
several hobbies include: Listening to music, reading novels, cooking and see
the beautiful scenery. I'll tell you about my hobby
I like to listen to music because music was entertainment if I feel lonely and
feel a little bored or have a new song, his usual I prefer to listen to pop
music than any other music genre of pop music for her because I use his rhythm
feels free to put piano and guitar, and his lyrics easy to understand for the
audience. however there are some musicians and pop groups Indonesia that I love
like The Band, Jasmine Trias, Yovie & Nuno etc. Not only music in Indonesia
alone that I like to listen to, music - music from abroad I also really like
the example I like taylor swift, Beyonce, Gummy and Hyorin. I do not just
listen, I also learned the language used by the singer into the Indonesian
language so that I can understand the song - the song
meembaca novels so my second hobby in empty waiting time lecturer or alone in a
public place because it is the form of prose novels longer than a short story.
And tells the person's life more deeply by using everyday language and
discusses many human lives, I can imagine if I read the novel. There are
several collections of novels ranging from Goat, Paper Boat, Warriors of the
rainbow and the author of my favorite novels Radtya Dika, Dee Lestari, Tere
Liye etc. Reading novels is also no benefit that first it may improve the ability
to recognize themselves and others why? Because a person's ability to recognize
and self-confidence, also can understand that others may have think the way,
the willingness dab view different way, fiction readers will be able to see
things from another's perspective and better able to empathize.
like many other women cooking is one hobby at the weekends and spare time at
home, along with my mom often experimented cooking that my mother and I have
never done and have never cooked before, it is interesting because it can
increase knowledge and creativity in myself. Start of Indonesian cuisine or try
a variety of my country. If I had mastered a variety of dishes, I want to open
my own business
look at the beautiful scenery of the last of my hobby. There I feel calm and
comfortable when being outdoors, lots of fresh air that I can if it is there.
Once a month and ended my week with friends - friends visit there to gather and
relax the mind during routine activities for 5 days. there is not just gather
and chat, but both burning foods such as grilled corn, grilled fish, grilled
chicken etc while in the music accompanied by a clever friend of mine who
played guitar. The most thing I wait wait is when the arrival time of the
morning when I can breathe fresh air, cold morning and if it enters the
afternoon I can see the fog descending from the summit of the mountains was
beautiful and I can not feel if I were in Jakarta.
the explanation of some of my hobbies if there is a mistake or do not like to
beg pardon
Jumat, 19 Desember 2014
BAB 14
- Kasus BUMN
Pengalihan biaya BBM bersubsidi
. Penjelasan: minyak pasokan yg di beri pemerintah di setiap galon pertamin di indonesiasudah
susah di dapat, misalnya pedagang kecil membeli minyak tersebut memakai
jerigen, mengisi tangki mobil secara berulang2 dalam satu mobil untuk berdagang
di rumahnya agar mendapatkan minyak yg banyak , Analisa yg harus di perketat
adalah keadilan dan kerjasama yg menjunjung kinerja di Indonesia
- Kasus Merger
Merger Bank CIMB. Merupakan
kasus merger yang terjadi pada Bank Niaga dan Bank Lippo. Bank Niaga didirikan
pada 26 September 1955, dan saat ini lnerupakan bank ke-7 terbesar di Indonesia berdasarkan
aset serta ke-2 terbesar di segmen Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah dengan pangsa pasar
sekitar 9-10%. Bumiputra-Commerce Holdings Rerhad (BCHB) memegang kepemilikan
mayoritas sejak 25 November2002, kemudian dialihkan kepada CIMB Group, anak
perusahaan yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh RCHB, pada 16 Agustus 2007. Bank Lippo
didirikan pada bulan Maret 1948. Menyusul merger dengan PT Bank Unium Asia.
Bank Lippo mencatatkan sahamnva di Bursa Efek pada November 1989. Pemerintah RI menjadi
pemegang sahaln mayoritas di Bank Lippo melalui program rekapitalisasi yang
dilaksanakan pada 28 Mei 1999. Pada tanggal 30 September 2005, setelah
memperoleh persetu-iuan Bank Indonesia, Khazanah IVasional Berhad
mengakuisisi kepemilikan mayoritas di Bank Lippo.
PT. Bank
CTMB Niaga-Tbk berdiri pada tanggal 1 November 2008. PT. Bank CIMB Niaga
merupakan hasil merger antara PT. Bank Niaga (Persero) Tbk dengan PT. Bank
Lippo (Persero) Tbk. Proses merger dilakukan dengan cara Commerce International
Merchant Bankers (CIMB) Group membeli 51 persen saham Bank Lippo yang dimiliki
oleh Santubong Ventures. anak usaha dari Khazanah. Khazanah sendiri adalah
perusahaan besar dibidang keuangan asal Malaysia. Total pembelian saham
Bank Lippo oleh CIMB Group Rp 5,9 triliun atau setara 2.1 miliar ringgit Malaysia.
Sebagai gantinya Khzanah akan
memperoleh 207,l Juta lembar saham baru di Bank Bumlputera - Commerce Holding
Berhard (BCHB) yakni perusahan pemilik CIMB Group. Seluruh saham Bank Lippo
akan ditukar menjadi sahani Rank Niaga dengan rasio 2,822 saham Bank Niaga per
I lembar saham Bank Lippo. Seluruh asset dan kewajiban Bank Lippo akan
dialihkan ke Bank Niaga. Dalam proses merger tersebut CIMB menawarkan fasilitas
voluntary dan standby facility yang memungkinkan pemegang saham minoritas
dikedua bank untuk melepas saham mereka dan tidak berpartisipasi dalam proses
- Kasus
Aqua yang diakuisisi Danone. Contoh
pertama dari kasus akuisisi adalah Aqua yang merupakan produsen air minum dalam
kemasan terbesar di Indonesia. Dimana merek Aqua sudah identik dengan air
minum. Dimana ketika seseorang hendak menebut air minum. Mereka lebih cenderung
mengatakan Aqua meskipun sebenarnya mereknya berbeda.
Aqua adalah sebuah merek air
minum dalam kemasan (AMDK) yang diproduksi oleh Aqua Golden Mississipi di
Indonesia sejak tahun 1973. Selain di Indonesia, Aqua juga dijual di Singapura.
Aqua adalah merek AMDK dengan penjualan terbesar di Indonesiadan merupakan
salah satu merek AMDK yang paling terkenal di Indonesia, sehingga telah
menjadi seperti merek generik untuk AMDK. Di Indonesia, terdapat 14 pabrik yang
memroduksi Aqua. Pada tahun 1998, karena ketatnya persaingan dan munculnya
pesaing-pesaing baru, Lisa Tirto sebagai pemilik Aqua Golden Mississipi
sepeninggal ayahnya Tirto Utomo, menjual sahamnya kepada Danone pada 4
September 1998.
Akusisi tersebut dianggap tepat
setelah beberapa cara pengembangan tidak cukup kuat menyelamatkan Aqua dari ancaman
pesaing baru. Langkah ini berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas produk dan
menempatkan AQUA sebagai produsen air mineral dalam kemasan (AMDK) yang
terbesar di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2000, bertepatan dengan pergantian
milenium, Aqua meluncurkan produk berlabel Danone-Aqua. Pasca Akuisisi DANONE
meningkatkan kepemilikan saham di PT Tirta Investama dari 40 % menjadi 74 %,
sehingga Danone kemudian menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas Aqua Group.
- Kasus Tender
dugaan persekongkolan tender KTP elektronik (e-KTP) di Kementerian Dalam Negeri
(Kemendagri) masih disidangkan di Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU).Konsorsium
Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia (PNRI) pun meminta agar majelis hakim KPPU
dapat memberikan keputusan yang adil, benar, dan obyektif terkait kasus itu.
Menurut Kuasa Hukum PNRI Jimmy Simanjuntak, jika tidak dilakukan secara adil,
maka PNRI akan siap melakukan upaya hukum lanjutan, baik mengajukan banding
maupun memeroses secara pidana.
"Tolong, majelis komisi
yang akan memutuskan perkara ini, putuslah secara obyektif, jangan ada pengaruh
dari pihak manapun," ujar Jimmy Simanjuntak dalam keterangan persnya
kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Rabu (3/10/2012).Menurut Jimmy, dari seluruh proses
persidangan yang telah berlangsung di KPPU selama ini, pihak investigator
secara jelas telah gagal dan tidak dapat membuktikan dugaan persekongkolan
dalam tender e-KTP seperti yang dilaporkan. Pihak investigator juga telah gagal
menghadirkan saksi-saksi penting yang bisa memperjelas persoalan dugaan
persekongkolan tersebut.
persidangan itu, lanjut Jimmy, berbagai keterangan dan dokumen palsu diajukan
oleh investigator. Selama ini pihak investigator menjadikan bukti dokumen
berupa email-email yang tak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenaran isinya dan
telah dibantah sendiri oleh pihak pelapor, dalam hal ini konsorsium Lintas
Peruri sebagai pihak yang kalah dalam tender di Kemendagri beberapa waktu lalu.
"Kalau keterangan dan dokumen palsu dari pihak investigator itu turut
dijadikan pertimbangan oleh majelis komisi dalam menghukum terlapor, maka kami
akan siap melakukan banding sekaligus melaporkan kasus keterangan palsu dan
dokumen palsu ini kepada pihak kepolisian," katanya.
Dugaan persekongkolan tender
e-KTP sendiri, tambah Jimmy, bermula dari adanya laporan ke KPPU yang menduga
adanya persekongkolan antara panitia lelang selaku terlapor I, konsorsium PNRI
selaku terlapor II, dan konsorsium astagraphia selaku terlapor III. Pihak
terlapor diduga telah melanggar Pasal 22 UU Nomo 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan
Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Namun, hingga usai
persidangan beberapa waktu lalu, dugaan persekongkolan ini sama sekali tidak
bisa dibuktikan oleh pihak investigator, maupun KPPU.
Awal Oktober lalu, pihak
konsorsium PNRI sendiri telah memberikan dokumen kesimpulan perkara terhadap
seluruh proses persidangan kepada majelis komisi sebagai bahan pertimbangan.
"Kemarin tanggal 1 Oktober semua pihak terkait sudah memasukkan kesimpula perkara, kami juga belum tahu kapan kasus ini akan diputuskan oleh majelis, tapi berdasarkan ketentuan UU diperkirakan paling lambat 31 Oktober harus sudah ada putusan atas kasus ini," tandasnya.
Sementara itu, Kuasa Hukum terlapor I dari Dukcapil Kemendagri Soedoro Soertinggo mengatakan, belum dapat mengambil keputusan apakah pihaknya akan melakukan keberatan atas dugaan tersebut. Pihaknya memunggu keputusan majelis komisi setelah 30 hari kasus itu di putuskan.
"Namun, pihak terlapor bisa ajukan keberatan ke pengadilan negeri selama 14 hari," ujarnya.
Menurut dia, dugaan persengkongkolan tersebut, tidak jelas. Sebab, pihak pelapor yakni lintas peruri sejak dibentuk konsorsium pemenangan tender e-KTP, lintas peruri sudah bubar sehingga kasus ini pelaporannya secara resmi tidak ada. Namun, disatu sisi pihak majelis komisi sampai saat ini merahasiakan pihak pelapor yang resmi. "Intinya belum bisa dikatakan pihak terlapor bersalah," katanya.
"Kemarin tanggal 1 Oktober semua pihak terkait sudah memasukkan kesimpula perkara, kami juga belum tahu kapan kasus ini akan diputuskan oleh majelis, tapi berdasarkan ketentuan UU diperkirakan paling lambat 31 Oktober harus sudah ada putusan atas kasus ini," tandasnya.
Sementara itu, Kuasa Hukum terlapor I dari Dukcapil Kemendagri Soedoro Soertinggo mengatakan, belum dapat mengambil keputusan apakah pihaknya akan melakukan keberatan atas dugaan tersebut. Pihaknya memunggu keputusan majelis komisi setelah 30 hari kasus itu di putuskan.
"Namun, pihak terlapor bisa ajukan keberatan ke pengadilan negeri selama 14 hari," ujarnya.
Menurut dia, dugaan persengkongkolan tersebut, tidak jelas. Sebab, pihak pelapor yakni lintas peruri sejak dibentuk konsorsium pemenangan tender e-KTP, lintas peruri sudah bubar sehingga kasus ini pelaporannya secara resmi tidak ada. Namun, disatu sisi pihak majelis komisi sampai saat ini merahasiakan pihak pelapor yang resmi. "Intinya belum bisa dikatakan pihak terlapor bersalah," katanya.
Dia menambahkan, konsorsium KPPU
seharusnya selektif dalam melakukan inverstigasi dugaan kasus ini dan jangan
memaksakan apabila tidak menemukan dua alat bukti. Sebab, dari pihak tergugat
dapat menjawab semua dugaan yang diajukan oleh Lintas Peruri baik dari sisi
administrasi maupun tehnis. "Secara yuridis, kasus ini tidak dapat
dibuktikan. Namun dari sisi non yuridis yang patut di pertanyakan,"
Menanggapi hal tersebut, Menteri
Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Gamawan Fauzi membantah adanya penyelewengan dana
anggaraan untuk program e-KTP tahap pertama pada tahun 2011. Dirinya menjamin
negara tidak dirugikan dalam proyek senilai Rp5,9 triliun itu. "Tidak ada
kerugian negara satu sen pun dalam proyek ini," tegasnya.
Sebelumnya, Ketua Badan
Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Hadi Poernomo mengatakan, pihaknya menemukan adanya permasalahan
dalam pengadaan e-KTP berbasis Nomor Induk Kependudukan tahun 2011. Program
tersebut belum efektif, pelaksanaan pengadaan e-KTP belum sepenuhnya mematuhi
Peraturan Presiden nomor 54 tahun 2010.
"BPK menemukan permasalahan
ketidakefektifan sebanyak 16 kasus senilai Rp6,03 miliar, ketidakhematan
sebanyak 3 kasus senilai Rp 605,84 juta," ujarnya. Menurut Hadi, pihaknya
juga menemukan lima kasus ketidakpatuhan yang mengakibatkan indikasi kerugian
negara senilai Rp 36,41 miliar dan potensi kerugian negara sebanyak tiga kasus
senilai Rp 28,90 miliar.
Permaslahan disebabkan konsorsium perusahaan kontraktor e-KTP tidak dapat mematuhi jumlah pencapaian e-KTP tahun 2011 yang telah ditetapkan dalam kontrak.
Permaslahan disebabkan konsorsium perusahaan kontraktor e-KTP tidak dapat mematuhi jumlah pencapaian e-KTP tahun 2011 yang telah ditetapkan dalam kontrak.
BAB 13
- MonopolI
Secara etimologi, kata “monopoli”
berasal dari kata Yunani ‘Monos’ yang berarti sendiri dan ‘Polein’ yang berarti
penjual. Dari akar kata tersebut secara sederhana orang lantas memberi
pengertian monopli sebagai suatu kondisi dimana hanya ada satu penjual yang
menawarkan (supply) suatu barang atau jasa tertentu.
Jadi Monopoli adalah suatu
situasi dalam pasar dimana hanya ada satu atau segelintir perusahaan yang
menjual produk atau komoditas tertentu yang tidak punya pengganti yang mirip
dan ada hambatan bagi perusahaan atau pengusaha lain untuk masuk dalam bidan
industri atau bisnis tersebut. Dengan kata lain, pasar dikuasai oleh satu atau
segelintir perusahaan, sementara pihak lain sulit masuk didalamnya.
Contoh kasus monopoli yang dilakukan oleh PT. Pertamina adalah :
Contoh kasus monopoli yang dilakukan oleh PT. Pertamina adalah :
Fungsi PT. Pertamina sebagai pengkilang, distribusi, dan
penjual minyak dan Swasta diizinkan berpartisipasi dalam upaya pengkilangan
minyak tetapi dalam menentukan harga minyak yang di jual kepada masyarakat
tetap ditentukan oleh PT. Pertamina sendiri.
Terjadinya krisis minyak yang di akibatkan oleh PT.
Pertamina karena menaikan harga bahan bakar minyak premium di semua wilayah
indonesia pada tahun 2009. PT. Pertamina pun melakukan kesalahan menaikan
harga bahan bakar minyak premium tetapi masih banyak daerah – daerah terpencil
yang kebetuhan minyaknya tidak terpenuhi dan sering juga terjadi
kelangkaan Bahan Bakar Minyak. Ini menyebabkan kerugian bagi masyarakat dari
kalangan bawah hingga atas dan investor pun enggan untuk berinvestasi.
- Oligopoli
Oligopoli adalah suatu bentuk
pasar dimana terdapat dominasi sejumlah pemasok dan penjual. Pada kenyataannya,
Sistem oligopoli yang ada, memiliki konsentrasi pasar yang tinggi. Hal ini
menunjukkan bahwa persentase yang besar dari pasar Oligopoli ditempati oleh
perusahaan-perusahaan komersial negara terkemuka. Perusahaan-perusahaan ini membutuhkan
perencanaan strategis untuk mempertimbangkan reaksi dari pesaing lain yang ada
di pasar. Oligopoli dalam praktek pasar bebas, sangat menguntungkan para
pemilik modal yang banyak. Pasar oligopoli adalah suatu bentuk interaksi
permintaan dengan penawaran dimana terdapat penjual/produsen yang menguasai
permintaan pasar.
- Suap
Suap adalah suatu tindakan
dengan memberikan sejumlah uang atau barang atau perjanjian khusus kepada
seseorang yang mempunyai otoritas atau yang dipercaya, contoh, para pejabat,
dan membujuknya untuk merubah otoritasnya demi keuntungan orang yang memberikan
uang atau barang atau perjanjian lainnya sebagai kompensasi sesuatu yang dia
inginkan untuk menutupi tuntutan lainnya yang masih kurang.
- Undang-undang
anti monopoli
Undang-Undang Anti Monopoli No 5
Tahun 1999 memberi arti kepada monopolis sebagai suatu penguasaan atas produksi
dan atau pemasaran barang dan atau atas penggunaan jasa tertentu oleh satu
pelaku usaha atau kelompok pelaku usaha (pasal 1 ayat (1) Undang-undagan Anti
Monopoli . Sementara yang dimaksud dengan “praktek monopoli” adalah suatu
pemusatan kekuatan ekonomi oleh salah satu atau lebih pelaku yang mengakibatkan
dikuasainya produksi dan atau pemasaran atas barang dan atau jasa tertentu
sehingga menimbulkan suatu persaingan usaha secara tidak sehat dan dapat
merugikan kepentingan umum Sesuai dalam Pasal 1 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Anti
- Kasus pada
berbagai struktur pasar
Contoh kasus dari struktur pasar
adalah berdirinya pasar modern (super market) disekitas pasar tradisional.
Disini termasuk kedalam pasar monopoloistis yang artinya didalam pasar ini
terdapat banyak produsen yang menghasilkan barang serupa tapi tetap memiliki
perbedaan. Dari kasus ini konsumen lebih memilih untuk berbelanja dipasar
modern tersebut, hingga membuat para produsen mengalamai penurunan penghasilan.
Kalau dilihat mengapa terjadi seperti itu, bisa dikarenakan konsumen lebih
memilih tempat yang lebih nyaman untuk mereka berbelanja walaupun mungkin harga
produknya sedikit lebih mahal. Tapi ini semua tergantung dari selera konsumen,
tidak semua konsumen nyaman dengan berbelanja dipasar modern, begitu juga
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