Selasa, 09 Juni 2015
Senin, 08 Juni 2015
Global warming means that the
average temperature rising process - the atmosphere, oceans, and land earth.
Increasing the temperature causes the earth was hotter and during the day we
feel so excessive heat. With the global warming, a lot of damage to be caused,
not only one but can reach the entire structure is in the earth itself. The
increase in temperature of the earth is probably caused by increasing
concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from the actions and activities of
the man himself, global warming is not an issue, but an issue of government for
all citizens of the earth's surface.
Warning of rising global temperatures
will lead to changes - such as changes in the weather cause extreme and raise
sea levels are high. It also can lead to many endangered animals and affect the
agricultural products that exist on earth. There are a lot of actions
undertaken by humans without them knowing that they are doing may harm the
earth. And most of them only think about profit and not think about the costs
that can be generated role in the long term
According (2011; 09) "global
average temperature at Earth's surface has increased by 0.74 ° C ± 0:18 (1:33 ±
0:32 ° F) over the last hundred years. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) concluded that, "the majority of the increase in global
average temperatures since the mid-20th century, most likely caused by
increased concentrations of greenhouse gases due to human activities"
through the greenhouse effect. These basic conclusions have been put forward by
at least 30 scientific and academic bodies, including all national science
academies of the G8 countries. However, there are still some scientists who do
not agree with some of the conclusions of the IPCC stated "
Climate models referenced by the
IPCC project shows global surface temperature will increase by 1.1 to 6.4 ° C
(2.0 to 11.5 ° F) between 1990 and 2100. The difference in estimates was caused
by the use of different scenarios on the emissions of greenhouse gases in the
future, as well as models with differing climate sensitivity. Although most
research has focused on the period up to 2100, warming and sea level rise is
expected to continue for more than a thousand years even if greenhouse gas
emission levels have stabilized. This reflects the large heat capacity of the
According to Compass (2015; 21)
"New Mexico Solar Energy Association, the United States Global warming is
the increase in temperature / average temperature of the earth's surface as a
result of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect itself is an event where
trapping heat in the earth because of blocked gas emissions such as carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere due to emissions of motor vehicles, factory pollution
and forest fires "
According to Compass (2015: 21)
"The National Wildlife Federation global mean warming in its official
website as the event that is increasingly hot, increasingly heavy rains and
floods, more intense storms and droughts are increasingly becoming. Such events
are a real impact caused by global warming. Global warming also changed the
landscape of life on and off many species "
Are often asked by most people,
whether it is a dangerous global warning? My answer: Of course, global warming
is very dangerous, because with the increasing average temperature of our
planet will cause a change of temperature very extreme, and are compounded by
the possibility of ice at the north and south poles will melt. If if the north
and south polar ice melts, can be guessed which country will be the first time
sink. Archipelagic country like Indonesia is very vulnerable to easily sink up
to Indonesia has many small islands that are likely to sink. Not only was the
weather changes extreme sometimes also cause a variety of new diseases not
previously exist on earth.
The global warming process, the
process starts from sunlight shining on the earth, some of the heat is absorbed
by the earth and partly returned to the air (atmosphere). Sunlight that is
returned to the air trapped by the gases that exist in atmosphere like carbon
dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, water vapor and so forth which these events greenhouse
Solar radiation in the Earth's atmosphere
causes ozone layer depleting and this makes the sun is shining on the Earth is
getting hotter. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight reflected back
into space to earth. This is causing the earth's increasingly hot. And that is
the process of global warming.
Negative impact of recent global
warming for human health: infectious diseases,
diseases are dangerous for Indonesia is anthrax, dengue fever, chikungunya
fever, diarrhea, filiariasis, bird flu, flu Singapore, hepatitis, leptospirosis,
malaria and many more. Respiratory failure in humans, Since the temperature
extreme heat, it could disrupt the respiratory tract. This can be caused from
dust that volume will be much if summer arrives. And it can make asthma or
shortness of breath for humans.
The number of skin diseases emerge,
dry skin due to dehydration of the body can also occur as a result of global
warming. Sweat is kept out, because the work activity if not replaced will
cause skin disease, so at least skin dry, itchy and many skin diseases that
could arise. Headaches that led Stroke disease, there are some people who can
not get hot, let alone hot with high temperatures, at normal temperature can be
recurrent headaches. And usually when it's a headache, the next effect is stress,
as stress will come again next disease that is more severe, such as stroke.
Eye diseases such as cataracts,
thinning of the ozone layer as a result of the impact of global warming or
global warming, diseases that can happen to humans is cataract and turbulence
on the eye. So it was not just cigarette smoke that could lead to cataracts,
high solar heat also has power. Heart Disease Due to Air Pollution, Air
pollution is already inevitable due to global warming, the heart can be a
target because the air is unhealthy to breathe. Maybe it stems from respiratory
and fled to the heart.
The Impact of Global Warming many
very adverse impact generated and perceived by all living creatures on earth
because of global warming or global warming are increasingly rising. There are
impacts for life is: the longer the earth's surface temperature will be more
extreme, sea levels worldwide would rise, many droughts and crop failures
How to cope with global warming
(global warming) is not to cut down trees carelessly, reducing the use of
private vehicles, switching from oil-fueled vehicles with fuel vehicles natural
and environmentally friendly, turn off the lights during the day, using
energy-saving lamps, replant forests that have been bald, and build a house
with enough fentilasi.
Global warning that is currently
happening not just happen. All of this has a reason and that we should look for
what is the reason of global warming, how to stop and how to prevent it happen
again in the future. Humans have caused increased amount of carbon dioxide, but
from the day-to day the number of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide
decreases. Supposing we increase the amount of carbon dioxide, but we reduce
materials that can remove carbon dioxide. Start now or never at all, planting
trees around your home and conserve energy while you can save money because it
came times when energy is expensive and can not be frugal.
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